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Hannah Fisher

Hannah Fisher is director, adaptor, and sound designer currently studying Theatre and English Major at Northwestern University in Chicago. In her time at Northwestern, she directed a new play called 4 Trains for Vertigo Productions, was an ensemble member in Michael Rohd's How to End Povert in 90 Minutes, and has been an executive board member of Wave Productions. She is currently preparing to stage her own adaptation of Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself" as an independent project in June.

The Future of Vivisective Theater in an Industry of Entertainment

The Future of Vivisective Theater in an Industry of Entertainment

28 April 2014

A friend or peer might see a show and say that the relationships felt true to life or true to her experiences, which makes for a satisfying evening in their eyes. While I can certainly see the artistic merit in such work, I wonder if this kind of reflection is anything more than looking in a mirror if it does not somehow change the way we live and the way we approach the world. What is its purpose?

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