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Jae Kim

JAE KIM is a theater artist originally from Seoul, South Korea with a focus in directing, adapting, and creating original work. She is a graduate of Concord Academy and Northwestern University and has also trained at New York Stage and Film's Powerhouse Apprentice Program and SITI Company's Summer Theatre Workshop. At Northwestern, Jae served as an executive board member of WAVE, a nonprofit student theater company, for three years, serving as Artistic Director her senior year. Jae is passionate about feminism and social justice and helped devise Student Body, a required program for NU freshmen on sexual assault, and How to End Poverty in 90 Minutes, a facilitation-driven theatrical event on poverty in America. Jae is the creator of Riot Antigone, a Riot Grrrl musical adaptation of the Greek tragedy, in collaboration with Alex Benjamin and Brandon Powers. Her most recent production, A Midsummer Night’s Dream with Rabid Bat Theatricals, infused the outdoor courtyard of a pub in Chicago with live folk music and Shakespeare. Jae is currently an intern for CultureHub and La Mama Experimental Theatre Club, New York City. She is always looking for collaborators, gigs, and muses. jae-k.com

We Are The Play

We Are The Play

How I Learned to Make Theater as a College Student, or a Case for Working With our World

16 January 2014

When an actor asks a question in rehearsal, the director responds, “What does the play want?” Then they have a conversation trying to figure out what the illusive play must want. But the play is not out there floating around for them to discover. I believe that theater must never serve the mystical play more than the people in the room.

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