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Jesús Caballero

Jesús Caballero is the artistic director and founder a puppet theatre company in Spain, also called of La Máquina Real, dedicated to rediscovering this long-lost genre. Jesús started his career studying fine arts restauration, and when he learned about the forgotten art of la máquina real, he combined his passions for restauration and puppet theatre to reimagine this Baroque art form.

A picture of puppets on stage.
La Máquina Real / La Máquina Real

La Máquina Real / La Máquina Real

Reviving a Baroque Puppet Tradition / Recupera los títeres de una tradición perdida

8 April 2021

Emilio Williams sits down with Jesús Caballero to talk about the lost puppetry genre called la máquina real and Jesús’s company in Spain that works to reimagine this Baroque art form. / Emilio Williams entabla una conversación con Jesús Caballero sobre un género de teatro de títeres olvidado de nombre la máquina real y los esfuerzos de Jesús y su compañía en España por recuperar esta tradición barroca.