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Julia Brownell

Julia Brownell's play Smart Cookie won the 2008 Kendeda Graduate Playwriting Award and received its world premiere at the Alliance Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia. Smart Cookie was workshopped/read by the Minneapolis Playwrights Center and The Public Theater. Her short play Good Girl was produced by the Actors Theatre of Louisville in January, 2009, was a Heideman Award finalist, and was published in The Best Short Plays of 2009 by Smith & Kraus. Julia is a writer for the HBO comedy Hung and her screenplay F*ing Engaged was optioned by Film Nation.

Two actors practice playing football.
On Student Loans, Craft Services, and Being a Playwright Who Writes for TV

On Student Loans, Craft Services, and Being a Playwright Who Writes for TV

16 March 2011

Writer Julia Brownell speaks on the benefits of playwrights working in the world of television.

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