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Kai Green

Kai Green was born in England and lived there until earlier this year, when he had the urge to come and study Canadian Theatre and Philosophy at Concordia University in Montreal. He has worked in diverse areas of theater for the last 6 years— from being Technical Operator for an International Circus during their Christmas run in London to writing and directing a communist version of Richard III last year at Royal Holloway University. He is an aspiring Dramaturg and advocates for using theater as a tool for the expression of the socially marginalized. 

A Child is Born and Lives

A Child is Born and Lives

The Role of Mother, Father and… Another.

15 November 2013

Kai Green presents a metaphysical monologue centering on the relationship of the dramaturg to a new play, and how standing outside of a play's development is much like loving a child at arm's length.

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