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Liam Monaghan

Liam Monaghan is an award-winning writer, theatre artist, researcher, and educator. 

Liam Monaghan is a writer, theatre artist, researcher, and educator based in Edmonton, Alberta, the place known in Cree as Amiskwaciwâskahikan. His practice crosses the literary and performing arts, currently with a threefold interest in life writing and (auto)biography, archive-based artistic research, and revitalizing the queer past through performance. A recent graduate of the M.F.A. Theatre Practice program at the University of Alberta, Liam independently produced his thesis, Strange/Familiar, in June 2023; the script was later awarded the Sharon Pollock Prize by the Alberta Playwrights’ Network. Past productions of Liam’s plays have taken place at Theatre Outré (Lethbridge), the Queer Acts Festival (Halifax), Hapax Theatre (Victoria Fringe Festival), and Theatre Prospero/Thousand Faces Festival (Edmonton). He has published literary articles in The Dalhousie Review, Alberta Views Magazine, and Ploughshares. He holds a B.A. and M.A. in English and currently teaches in the Writing Centre at MacEwan University Library. https://liammonaghan.ca/ 

A man sits on stage on a black box in front of a blue scrim.
Mythologizing the Self Through Autofictional Theatre

Mythologizing the Self Through Autofictional Theatre

31 July 2024

Playwright and performer Liam Monaghan details the process behind writing Strange/Familiar, his autofictional play on the themes of adoption and queer belonging. He explores the way contemporary autofictions hold up a mirror to ourselves and our world, reflecting both uncertainty and meaning.

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