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Nasima Bee

Nasima Bee is a performance poet, producer, actor and creative practitioner. She’s a trustee for Manchester’s Young Identity, (www.youngidentity.org) and a newly appointed patron for Contact theatre in Manchester. Nasima uses art as a means of activism and her work is an exploration of the everyday through a personal lens that connects to its audience. Nasima writes about navigating loss, the layers that we exist in and spirituality. Nasima champions community and was also the former Coordinator of Manchester based CIO Ananna - MBWO, (www.mbwo.org.uk) which supports marginalised women through activities, volunteering opportunities and local policy change. 

Nasima was 1 of 5 Greater Manchester recipients of the Jerwood Creative Fellowship with Manchester International Festival 2019. Recent works include an audio commission with New Creatives North entitled ‘Salt’ released in 2022. This work is featured in the Manchester Open in 2024 at HOME. Nasima has also released her first solo short film titled ‘fatihah’, a poetic exploration of loss and losing as part of HOME’s Push Festival 2022. Nasima played a lead role in Halal Hens as part of Vignettes 2022 produced by HER Productions. Nasima explored the research and development of her first script ‘take back my body’ looking at what it means to be a British Muslim Woman in the current political climate with the support of Factory International in 2023. She is part of the Poets of Colour Incubator collective with Manchester Poetry Library, Words of Colour and Manchester Metropolitan University. She is currently working on a short play titled ‘Gains’ as part of Vignettes 2023 with HER Productions.

Three young woman sit in chairs reading scripts as a part of a workshop.
I Designed a Series of Workshops to take back my body

I Designed a Series of Workshops to take back my body

10 July 2024

Nasima Bee discusses the creation of take back my body, which was informed by a series of workshops in which groups of Muslim women connect and share experiences on the topics of belonging, identity, and home.

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