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Unsettling Dramaturgy

Unsettling is a response to the new permeability that has emerged within the theatre ecologies of so-called Canada and the United States to Crip and Indigenous ways of making. This colloquium will:

  • Provide a space for us to gather with our peers, across geography;

  • Deepen our practices through cross-pollination;

  • Promote greater leadership from within our communities;

  • Amplify Crip and Indigenous aesthetics, ethics and practices that move the conversation from inclusion to centring, from reconciliation to unsettling and decolonization; and

  • Offer a critical and unique platform for sharing our work.

This project considers the studio, the stage, and the street as porous and interconnected politicized spaces; spaces impacted by and implicated in the current political climate and historical contexts; spaces where urgent critique, and visionary futures can be imagined, practiced, enacted, and then disseminated to/co-created with a wider public.

Praxis Sessions for Virtual Collaboration
colored earth

Praxis Sessions for Virtual Collaboration

hosted by Unsettling Dramaturgy: Crip & Indigenous Dramaturgies ​​​​​​

Unsettling Dramaturgy is excited to launch our Praxis Sessions for Virtual Collaboration. In this 4-part series we will address approaches to, and practices in online convening that centre unsettling, decolonization, indigenization, and disability justice in process design.