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Introducing Ciara and Ashley, Our New HowlRound Content Editors!

The HowlRound team is thrilled to welcome Ciara Diane and Ashley Malafronte as our new content editors starting 16 August 2021. Both Ciara and Ashley will be integral in our editorial conversations around HowlRound journal, TV, and podcast content, and they will work closely with journal contributors to ensure the ideas are being expressed as fully and clearly as possible.

Ciara Diane is a New York­–based writer, editor, arts administrator, and performer, and is currently the CRAFT Institute’s emerging creative fellow. She has worked with various arts and nonprofit organizations and strives to create brave spaces where people of color, especially Black people, can feel safe, included, joyful, supported, and, above all, like they’re not alone. When she’s not working, Ciara enjoys reading, learning new things, creating hyper-specific music playlists, and being a Sagittarius.

A portrait of Ciara Diane, who is smiling in broad daylight.

Photo of Ciara Diane. Photo Cred: Replogle Studios.

Ashley Malafronte is utterly obsessed with stories and the people who tell them. Based in Brooklyn, she has worked as an editor for Odyssey Online and a tutor at Muhlenberg College’s writing center. Outside of editing, Ashley is also a theatremaker, scholar, and administrator. She has directed, devised, and developed work across the United States and in Ireland, and her research interests include theatrical adaptation, Irish theatre, United States commercial theatre, directing methods, myth on stage, and theatre in the global economy. As a teacher, she urges students to be thoughtful, active consumers of theatrical events and intentional, collaborative theatre practitioners. Of course, she aims to be both of these things herself, too.

A selfie of Ashley Malafronte, wearing a red shirt with white stripes.

Photo of Ashley Malafronte.

Ciara and Ashley will be taking over from our current content editor, May Antaki, who has worked in this role for over three years. Starting in September, May will begin graduate studies in public administration, with a research focus on arts policy, at the University of Ottawa, and while we will miss her we’re so excited for this next stage of her journey.

Please join us in welcoming Ciara and Ashley—were happy to have them here! And if you want the chance to work with Ciara and Ashley in their new roles, you can submit a pitch to us here.

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