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Saying Grace

An Open Call for Thanksgiving Reflections

As everyone heads home this evening to watch the election returns, wring hands, and wonder about what's to come over the next four years, we ask you to take a moment and reflect upon what you are thankful for in 2012. If you were saying grace, who and what would you thank?

Three Turkeys made out of craft foam.


Definition of THANKS 1: kindly or grateful thoughts : gratitude 2: an expression of gratitude <return thanks before the meal> —often used in an utterance containing no verb and serving as a courteous and somewhat informal expression of gratitude <many thanks>

This Thanksgiving, HowlRound will publish a community-sourced journal article composed of 50-100 word reflections from our readers. It's our intention to offer up these aggregated thanks to the Universe as our HowlRound Thanksgiving grace. Anyone can submit. To do so, email jamie@howlround.com your contribution along with a headshot, your name, and your city no later than Monday, November 19th.


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