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Friday Phone Call # 25

Friday Phone Call # 25

Braden Abraham of Seattle Repertory

10 May 2012

Listen to weekly podcasts hosted by David Dower as he interviews theater artists from around the country to highlight #newplay bright spots. This week: Braden Abraham of Seattle Repertory.

Portrait of Youseff El Guindi.
Interview with Yussef el Guindi by Vincent Delaney

Interview with Yussef el Guindi by Vincent Delaney

10 May 2012

Seattle-based playwrights Delaney and Guindi discuss the theatrical climate of Seattle, development oppertunities, and the American theatre scene.

The space needle.
Love Letter to Seattle

Love Letter to Seattle

8 May 2012

Stephanie Timm shares her joy for Seattle and its theatre scene. With all the wonderful affordable theatre, she wonders what is the next step to expand the audiences.

The skyline of Seattle, Washington.
Getting Here

Getting Here

7 May 2012

How does Seattle theater look in Spring of 2012? Specifically for new plays, for playwrights, for directors and actors who live to make something new, for audiences that crave and honor new work?

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