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Jeries AbuJaber

Jeries AbuJaber is a Palestinian Artist who has been creating art, writing theatre plays, and now directing. 

Jeries AbuJaber is an actor, scenographer, and stage manager. He specialized in Scenography and stage management in PARC through Al Harah Theatre in Beit Jala/ Bethlehem in Palestine. He has experienced performing through his work in theatre over 6 years of training, workshops, and working on professional Projects in Palestine and abroad. After six years of working in the performing arts, he pursued his master’s degree in “Directing of devised, and object theatre” at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague theatre faculty DAMU, Czech Republic. 
He is also a professional medical clown in the Red Noses International Organisation from 2014 until now. In this organization, he works with children, parents, the elderly, and medical staff

A promotional graphic for the Kunafa and Shay podcast.
Theatre in Palestine

Theatre in Palestine

31 January 2024

How can theatre make an impact in moments of crisis? During a time of ongoing genocide and brutal occupation in Palestine, this special episode focuses on Palestinian theatre and political action across borders. We discuss The Gaza Monologues and To The Good People of Gaza. Then Palestinian actor, writer, and scenographer Jeries AbuJaber joins us in conversation about what is currently happening in the West Bank and Gaza and his experience as a theatre artist in Palestine.

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