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Michael "Quess?" Moore

Michael "Quess?" Moore is a poet, MC, actor, and educator. He teaches the English component of a 9th grade Integrated Humanities course at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts (NOCCA). He is also a self-published author, a performer with the VOIC'D collective as an actor and contributing writer, and a founding member of Team SNO, New Orleans' first national slam poetry championship-winning team. He has produced a self-titled CD, "A Scribe Called Quess?" and his debut book of poetry, Blind Visionz, can be found at www.lulu.com.

He Said, She Said

He Said, She Said

The Process of Distillation

9 January 2015

Michael “Quess?” Moore explores why he wound up in residence in New Orleans at the DISTILLERY, and what he’s continuing to learn and experience.

Poster for Free Southern Theatre.
Talkin Revolution

Talkin Revolution

Free Southern Theater Then and Now

16 October 2013

Michael Moore talks about finding the spirit of Free Southern Theatre in Junebug Productions, and his awaking of the urgency found in the community for socially activated theater.  

Gumbo in a large round bowl.
A Gathering in the Roux

A Gathering in the Roux

The Makings of a New Orleans Slam Team

20 January 2013

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