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Introducing Joshua Robinson, HowlRound Fellow!

We’re happy to announce the newest addition to the HowlRound team, Joshua Robinson! Joshua joined us on 8 November 2021 as our brand-new fellow. He will work closely with the HowlRound team for the next year on all aspects of our programming, including the journal, the National Playwright Residency Program, the TV platform, and our in-person convenings. Additionally, he will be supporting our communications consultant to help us tell HowlRound’s story to the world.

Portrait of Joshua Robinson.

Photo of Joshua Robinson. Photo by Benjamin Rose.

Joshua Robinson (he/him) is a Black artist/actor/theatremaker and is pursuing a master’s degree at Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance in the United Kingdom, having already earned his BFA in theatre arts at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He was last seen in London as Claudio in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure and as Warren in Albatross by Isley Lynn. He recently wrote, recorded, and produced a mini album detailing his life growing up as a young Black boy in a white suburban neighborhood, and he is currently working on a self-produced comic strip and correlating animation, which began as his master’s thesis. His main artistic focus is to highlight the lesser-known stories of Black/minority groups in America through multiple forms of media and entertainment. He strives to build bridges and inspire empathy between those who may be of the same race but have different backgrounds, and his work celebrates the feelings and perspectives that bind us together, no matter how ugly those similarities may be. Joshua is thrilled to begin his work with HowlRound and cut his teeth on the initiative’s worthwhile endeavors.

Please join us in welcoming Joshua to the team!

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