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Livestreamed on this page on Monday 8 November 2021.

Washington, DC
Monday 8 November 2021

Proclaiming Presence from the Washington Stage

Exploring How Theatre Offered a Path to Recognition for African Americans, Roman Catholic Clerics, Regional Theatre Enthusiasts, and Community Activists throughout the Twentieth Century

Monday 8 November 2021

The Center for International Theatre Development (CITD) presented a conversation: Proclaiming Presence from the Washington Stage livestreaming on the global, commons-based, peer-produced HowlRound TV network on Monday 8 November 2021.

Blair Ruble’s recently published Proclaiming Presence from the Washington Stage explores how theatre offered a path to recognition for African Americans, Roman Catholic clerics, regional theatre enthusiasts, and community activists throughout much of the twentieth century. Due to Washington’s unique political status before the mid-1970s, the city’s lack of local government or political life stifled political outlets for grievance. Cultural expression—especially in the theatre—frequently emerged as a surrogate for political action. The result has been a local urban culture that retains a bent towards resistance.

Author Blair Ruble was joined in conversation by Georgetown history professor Maurice Jackson and Georgetown University dean Soyica Diggs.

Howard Shalwitz, associate director of the Center for International Theatre Development (CITD) and artistic director emeritus at Washington’s Woolly Mammoth, moderated this 50-minute conversation.

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HowlRound TV is a global, commons-based, peer-produced, open-access livestreaming and video archive project stewarded by the nonprofit HowlRound. HowlRound TV is a free and shared resource for live conversations and performances relevant to the world’s performing-arts and cultural fields. Its mission is to break geographic isolation, promote resource sharing, and develop our knowledge commons collectively. Anyone can participate in a community of peer organizations revolutionizing the flow of information, knowledge, and access in our field by becoming a producer and co-producing with us. Learn more by going to our participate page. For any other queries, email tv@howlround.com or call Vijay Mathew at +1 917.686.3185 Signal. View the video archive of past events.

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